VHDL-Tool can make its services available to Sublime through the Language Server Protocol.
Sublime language client
Follow the instructions here to install the language client for Sublime.
Install the VHDL plugin for Sublime.
Configure the language client to use VHDL-Tool. Open the LSP settings (Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Settings). Insert the text:
"command": ["vhdl-tool", "lsp"],
"scopes": ["source.vhdl"],
"syntaxes": ["Packages/VHDL/Syntaxes/VHDL.tmLanguage"],
"languageId": "vhdl"
Then close Sublime and re-launch from the root of your design, where the configuration file is located:
$ subl .
Make sure vhdl-tool is configured properly by running vhdl-tool check-config in the directory containing the configuration file.
Consult the troubleshooting guide for the Sublime LSP package.
Sublime Linter (Syntax checking and linting only)
As an alternative to the language server protocol, VHDL-Tool's linting and syntax checking features (only) are accessible from within Sublime through the Sublime Linter plugin.
Sublime linter
You must first install the Sublime Linter plugin and then a second plugin which bridges Sublime Linter and VHDL-Tool.
To install Sublime Linter, follow the instructions here.
To install the interface to VHDL-Tool, enter these commands in a terminal.
$ cd .config/sublime-text-3/Packages
$ git clone https://git.vhdltool.com/vhdl-tool/SublimeLinter-contrib-vhdl-tool.git
Then, start the vhdl-tool server and sublime:
$ vhdl-tool server &
$ subl